Make cool drink recipes that will cool you down | Best colddrink for summer

You can make these two cold drinks at home


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It seems like you've brought two recipes. With these, you'll get both refreshment and freshness. And for the second recipe, we won't even use sugar. If it's too tasty, let's start with the first one.
First, let's make this mint syrup.
I'm getting water to boil. We'll clean the mint leaves thoroughly by putting them in it. If we add one cup of mint for one glass of syrup, it brings out a great flavor.
Once again, I'm cleaning them, although they were already clean. After cleaning them before making the syrup, we'll let it sit for 10 to 15 seconds so that any dirt settles at the bottom. Then, we'll strain it.
You can make these two cold drinks at home
I've squeezed the water out, and I've taken half a cup of mint leaves for two glasses. One for each glass.
We'll put the mint leaves in the blender and add a little water to make a paste.
Absolutely smooth. The paste is ready.
You can make these two cold drinks at home
Friends, we'll do two things with the lemon. First, I've cut normal slices for squeezing.
Now, we'll take thin slices from the middle area. We'll use these thin slices for garnishing.
You can make these two cold drinks at home
It looks great in the glass. So, we'll do both tasks with just one lemon.
We need to squeeze these lemons into the mint paste. I've taken two lemons for two glasses of syrup. Now, we just need to strain it onto one glass.
You'll get the full syrupy feeling. If you want, you can also make it without straining. Straining removes small bits like mint stems, giving a syrupy feeling. The full mint flavor is ready.
You'll pour this into the glass to make the syrup. I've added equal quantities of the mixture to both glasses.
Now, we'll add sugar syrup to it. I made it with two big spoons; the method of making it is very easy.
In a pot, boil mint, mint, quantity, sugar, and water together, and
Then cool it down and you can use it. If you want the full market-like sweetness, just add three big spoons of this sugar syrup to the syrup. Along with this, we'll add spices.
I've taken cumin powder, roasted it, one-fourth teaspoon of cumin powder, and a little bit of white salt. We need to mix all of these once, and
Here, I'm adding ice. I don't have chilled water, so I'm using ice. I'll add four to five pieces of ice and a couple of lemon slices.
And then, we'll top it up with normal water. Mix this, and there you go, your mint syrup is ready.
Wow, it turns out amazing, buddy. After drinking it, you feel refreshed in your heart, mind, stomach, and body. Now, I'll share another recipe with you.
Since this is our famous Bihar's Sattu drink, let's start by making Sattu.
I've taken roasted chickpeas; we'll just make it from this. It's readily available in the market if you want. You can also mix barley with roasted chickpeas.
We'll put this roasted chickpeas in a blender jar.
And we need to make its powder. Since we're making Sattu drink, we need to make a very fine powder. Otherwise, the Sattu settles at the bottom of the glass, which isn't enjoyable. Look, the powder is ready.
Along with the Sattu, we'll add onions, green chilies, and a little mint. I've already chopped all of these.
And to make it, we'll take our Sattu powder in a bowl. I'm taking four tablespoons, meaning two tablespoons per glass. Since I'm making two glasses, I've taken four tablespoons.
In this, for taste, I've added half a teaspoon of cumin powder and a pinch of salt. I've also added a bit of black salt. If you want, you can also add black pepper. Next, we'll add finely chopped onions, green chilies, and mint leaves. These three should be finely chopped. If you don't eat onions, you can skip them. Lemon is a must in this. I'm squeezing the juice of two lemons into it. Now, there's no more effort required.
I'm using cold water for this. I'm pouring one glass now. Let's mix all of these well once. So that lumps don't form. And then we'll add one more thing to it.
We'll mix it by adding water to the glass, and our Sattu will be ready. So you must definitely try making this at home.

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